Hours of operation
Our reception is open daily from 8am – 6pm. Check out time is 10am. Please see reception if you would like to request a late checkout.
Free complimentary Wi-fi is available to all guests. Simply accept the terms and conditions to join. No password is needed.
Helpful Numbers
Reception: 08 9755 4241
After-hours number: 0414 813 974
Bathrooms and laundries are located throughout the park and are open 24 hours a day. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Camp kitchen
Please refer to the park map for our kitchen’s locations. As courtesy for other users, please leave the area in a tidy condition. There are sinks in the camp kitchen for the purpose of washing dishes only. There are also barbecues located throughout the park, please refer to the park map for locations.
Swimming pool
The pool is open from 8am to sunset each day. Pool can be closed at any time if the weather or health conditions warrant. No alcohol or glass is allowed in the pool area at any time. Children under the age of 12 are to be fully supervised. The safety of our members and our guests are our highest priority, particularly around water. RAC’s Parks & Resorts have partnered with Royal Life Saving Western Australia to help increase the awareness of water safety across our Parks and Resorts within Western Australia. Watch our safety tips for water safety in our series of short videos here: Water Safety Awareness | RAC Parks & Resorts
Note: Our pool does not have a lifeguard on duty.
If you are staying in a studio or cabin for more than 7 days you will receive a mid-stay service. Should you require additional toiletries or supplies during your stay, please contact reception during operating hours.
Please refer to the park map for laundry locations. Washing machines and dryers are coin operated and are $5 per cycle. Laundry powder is also available to purchase from reception. If you require coin change for use of laundries please see reception.
Bikes and scooters can be used throughout the property if protective gear and helmets are worn. Please ensure that road rules are observed, and bicycles are not ridden at the main entrance/exit area. Children must be always supervised, and usage is to be limited to daylight hours only.
Business services
A small range of business services are available at reception such as photocopying and printing. Please see reception during operating hours.
Games room
There is a games room on site that operates from 8am to 5pm (all year round). The room has table tennis & foosball for use by our guests. We ask that children under the age of 12 are supervised at all times.
We have a great selection of activities on offer at the Park including mini golf, cart hire and children’s arts and crafts.
Playground and jumping pillow
Open 8am to sunset. We ask that children follow all rules displayed nearby and are respectful of others.
Fish cleaning
There is a fish cleaning station behind the camp kitchen. Please wrap all scraps & store within the freezer provided.
Dump Point
A dump point is available for the use of guests. Please refer to the park map for its location.
Safety & security
Please take the time to read safety notices and signs throughout the park. We ask all guests to ensure they are always mindful of the following:
- Lock security doors and windows
- Ensure all valuables are out of view
- Report any suspicious activity to reception or by calling the night duty number: 0414 813 974
- Report any incidents to reception as soon as possible
- If at any time you feel unsafe or threatened, please advise reception immediately or call the night duty number
- Report any faults or damage such as broken locks, windows or lights to reception as soon as possible so the issue can be rectified.
Electricity and lithium-ion battery safety
- Only use 15A leads on powerheads
- Do not overload connection by excessive use of power boards or double adaptors
- Do not leave lithium-ion batteries such as e-rideables unattended, on charge overnight or for extended periods.
In the case of an emergency and for Police, Fire or Ambulance call 000 immediately.